The movie centers around Naomi and Michel and their time in a women's Jewish seminary. In the first part of the film there is a lot of tension and disagrements between these two characters, but of course as all movies go - they eventually become friends and lovers. Their story however, is not the central one. Actually, you don't get to any lesbian loving until maybe 2/3rds of the film has passed, and until then, there really isn't any indication that that's where the movie is headed. Most of the movie centers around the two women helping out Anouk, a French woman searching redemption for her sins.
Part of the reason I love this movie is because it goes into so many different aspects. It's neither a movie about two girls who fall in love, nor is it a movie about redemption. It's a movie that incorporates so many different aspects and you're just left completely awestruck by the quality.
The acting was fantastic, as was the script. The movie may have run for 20 minutes too long, but you know what.... that was 20 extra minutes where I got to see Noemi and Michel. Have I mentioned how incredibly beautiful both leading women are? And their interaction with each other? Wow. They were so friggen adorable that I didn't know if I should go "aww" when thinking about their cuteness, or be jealous that I will never be able to reach that level of aww factor with anyone.
Now, don't get me wrong. This is not a happy film. In fact, the ending will have you confused and wanting to go to Avi Nesher herself and demand a better ending. But, that's part of the movie itself. I won't spoil it, but I will say that it's not your traditional lesbian movie. Neither Michel no Noemi die, but that doesn't mean that either of them, as well as the audience, isn't left heartbroken.
Don't watch this movie after a break-up, or if you're feeling vulnerable, but definitely watch this movie. It's so good, and it will leave you haunted for a while.