I'll start off by saying, that it's not one of my favorite movies. Time and time again, I fail to see why lesbians love this movie to pieces. I won't lie - it is a good movie, and it is heartwarming, but it's not memorable. You don't fall in love with any of the characters, you may feel for them, but honestly, this movie just feels like it tries too hard to be a good romantic comedy.
Rachel is getting married to Heck. On the day of her wedding, she feels an unexplicable attraction to Luce, the female gay florist. After the wedding, she befriends Luce (invites her to dinner, etc) in the hopes of setting her up with Cooper, Heck's friend. However, sparks fly between the two ladies, and although neither of them do anything about it, you can tell that there is an attraction. The next day, she learns that Luce is gay, and is now even more interested in learning about Luce, and begins to do some "research" on lesbians on her own (cue in the hilarious scene at the movie rental place). From here, there is a lot of events that lead up to the romance between the two ladies. I won't give too much away after this, but it's definitely a journey that quite nice to watch. Although there isn't much of a sexual, physical intimacy between the two characters, you definitely get enough emotional intimacy to make up for the loss.
The relationship between Rachel and Luce is one of the sweeter ones that I've seen. They are adorable from the start, and the two actresses definitely had a lot of chemistry. You see why they fall in love, and every time I watch this movie, I always catch something between them that I missed the last time I saw them.
As for all of the relationships in the movie, they all are pretty realistic - as far as romantic comedies go. There are plenty of one liners between all the characters that are just friggen adorable. You are left touched, and at times also pensive.
Characters that were just too unrealistic:
The characters are charming, and completely fleshed out. You definitely understand their motivations and do feel empathy for their situations. While I don't completely agree with all of their actions, I can see why they are made - and I appreciate them for it. I'm also sure many people find the little girl adorable, I however cannot stand her. But, that's a rant for another day.
I think one of the problems with the movie is that everyone is just too friggen nice. Yes, they may be angry every now and then, but they are all together too forgiving. Heck. Really? Come on, you've just found out that your wife has fallen in love with a women, and thats all the emotion that you show? Come on. To quote Paulie "rage more." Then, let's look at Rachel's mom. You have a problem with your daughter's new attraction, but you seem to get over it within a few hours. That's pretty unrealistic, and just downright stupid on behalf of the writer.
I understand the need for a happy ending, but how about some realism, yea?
If you are in love and are watching this movie - you would definitely enjoy the affection between the characters, and the plot in general. I wouldn't recommend this as one of those movies that are going to be a fan favorite, but for a rainy saturday afternoon, this movie hits the spot. For those of you going through a break up, there is some peace to be reached after watching the movie. It's cleansing in a way.
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