I'm sure most of you gay kids out there recognize this quote. And if you haven't...you should look into it. That's right. I've gotten to the mecca of lesbian movies. Lost and Delirious. You might be hard pressed to find a lesbian out there who hasn't heard of this movie, watched this movie, hates this movie, loves it, or came out or at least felt more comfortable in their skin because of this movie.
I'm probably all those things in one. I'm reviewing this movie, not after a first viewing. On the contrary, I'm pretty sure I've seen this movie quite a few times. And after every viewing, I'm never really sure how to feel. I have my issues with this film, but at the end of the day, I feel it does what it set itself out to do. Be an angsty, teen, movie for lesbians.
I do like this movie, for a number of reasons (and no... one of them isn't because its an all girl's school!). I like the characters, they aren't very real, but not much of this movie is very realistic. Granted, the plot is very much grounded in reality, but it's not very real. It takes itself too seriously sometimes, and makes it more "emo" and introverted than it should be. It depicts the characters as these intense girls who are ruled by their emotions and are at times melodramatic. On second thought... that is exactly what all girls schools are like.... And because of these factors, there is a surrealism to this entire film that if you aren't really paying attention, you sort of don't really catch. Instead, you might see it as it just being a bad film, or a good one. Honestly, it's a little bit of both.
Reasons why it is good:
1. The acting isn't that bad. All the characters are pretty fresh faces and for a teen flick, it's really not that bad. It's not great. No one should be getting Oscars, but no one should be getting Razzies either. Piper Perabo's Paulie is one of the best things in this movie. Her emotions are clear on her face and the audience can definitely feel it. You're touched by her pain and wish Tori wasn't so cold.
2. The plot is fair. I know people have problems with it, but honestly, it's an emo teen movie. If these elements weren't in it, I'd be concerned.
3. The setting is somewhat realistic. It would have been nice to have seen that there were more than two teachers, but the dynamics between all the girls was pretty nice and nostalgic to see at times.
4. They are all fairly attractive. If all else fails, just watch their faces.
5. Tori was heartbreaking at best, infuriating at worst. Sometimes it was hard to watch the movie simply because you had to see what else she was going to do.
Reasons why it's bad:
1. If you are a person who is huge on good acting, well you might be a tad annoyed by this movie.
2. Certain parts of the story were unnecessary. Really? Why was there a bird?
3. Paulie's downward spiral was a bit overdone. I could have gone without the warped screen, Shakespearian quotes, and duel.
4. Tori was heartbreaking at best, infuriating at worst. Sometimes it was hard to watch the movie simply because you had to see what else she was going to do.
At the end of the day. I say, watch it. It's not that bad. If you have some time, go for it. If you are in the process of coming out and want to see some lesbian movies, see it. If you want a good laugh, watch it too. This movie appeals from the cynics to the idealists. This movie did a lot for when it came out, and should be respected as such. No matter what, this is definitely a must see movie for lesbians.
Rage more.
My friend, you beat me to it! I must say that this is probably my favorite lesbian movie right after "Saving Face." Say what you will about the characters' "overreactions," but I believed them. I identified with Paulie's reaction to Tori's betrayal; I would venture to say that many of us feel just as intensely when we are hurt in such a way. I know I do. Fantasies of grandiose gestures abound, but I would never act on them; and that is the only difference between the reaction Paulie had to Tori's betrayal and they way I would have reacted.
ReplyDeleteAs for Tori, yeah, the way she tossed Paulie aside and started dating (nay, having sex with) the boy from their brother school was really messed up. But, could you honestly blame her? She was scared. She stood to lose her family and financial security, at the very least. She obviously still loved Paulie throughout the whole ordeal, but her hands were tied.
I don't know; for me, the cringeworthy moments came from the display of emotion, as opposed to the acting. And do you really think it was an accurate depiction of an all-girls' school? I don't remember our school being quite so intense.
I feel thats what made it "overreacted." People may feel that way, but it doesn't mean they act how they feel. I think that was what made it absurd at one point. She lost control of her self for Tori, and yes, that does happen. And in some ways the movie does a very good job at showing us what she feels, but at the same time, at least for me, she was too intense and that was her downfall.
ReplyDeleteAnd you're right. Tori's actions are understandable. I never said I didn't understand them, I said that at times they were frustrating. Sometimes you just want love to win, and in this case it didn't. Don't get me wrong, I don't hate Tori, and I understand where she came from, but that doesn't mean that her actions were excused - they were just understood.
I still don't think the bird was necessary, and the duel... come on! Although that could have been because it was so exaggerated on the boy's part. And dude, it wasn't always so intense, but I can remember a couple times where it was like..wtf...calm down estrogen!
Oh, yeah, I forgot about the bird. I was actually grateful for it. Strange, no? I felt like, at that point, it was the only, er, creature that Paulie considered her friend. Mary was a stellar friend, but she didn't need Paulie. Paulie's relationship with the falcon was one of codependency. Not to mention, it represented Paulie. *SPOILER ALERT* It was wounded; she nursed it back to health as her own health deteriorated. And, at the end? That was definitely Paulie.
ReplyDeleteI hated the duel, but only because it only served to make Paulie look even crazier. She didn't come off as romantic, she didn't come off as chivalrous, and I could have done without it...although, I am glad that that he got his comeuppance for his smart mouth. And it exposed him for the punk that he was.
Hm. Yeah, but I don't think the whole estrogen drama is exclusive to all-girls' schools. Then again, perhaps I just didn't notice all the drama.
sit next to a girl who can tell you all of hers and everyone else's and you'll realize there is plenty of drama to go around lol!