Saving Face had been the best lesbian movie, in general that I had ever seen. And in the chick flick category, there was none other. The relationships were real, the story was entertaining, and the dialogue was fantastic. Then, I watched some more recent films (*ahem* I Can't Think Straight), and I began to look at Saving Face more critically to see why it did not matched up.
To say the least, the relationships were well handled and realistic. While there were some culture clashes (i.e. the father's idea that his reputation should be what most mattered, etc), for the most part I could relate to the characters (maybe you can chalk that up to my traditional, hispanic upbringing). I loved the relationship between Will and Vivian, and Will's relationship with her mom was also endearing to watch.
There were also some really awesome scenes between the characters that still totally crack me up and having me cringing with embarrassment for Will. Needless to say, this movie will make you laugh.
The chemistry between the two characters is also fantastic to watch. Their intimacy and scenes where they finally do the deed is always sensual and gratifying, no matter how many times you watch it.
So...the plot is great, the script is great, the acting is awesome. Why does it not match up? Part of the reason is that the ending is a bit too... rosey colored window. Everyone learns something, everyone is accepted, and everyone lives happily ever after. Sure, most chick flicks end this way, but this one ends this way after having gone through a couple twists that were a bit too surprising and a bit too unexpected. If you like a chick flick to have those elements, then you are totally in the zone, and you will love this movie. If you enjoy staying grounded in reality at all times, you will still love this movie, but find it a bit too much, even a bit campy at a couple times.
However, regardless of its flaws, Saving Face is one of the best lesbian movies out there. Given the fact that there were pretty crappy things before it, its a work of art. Everything works - the chemistry, the acting, the story. Its fantastic. Watch this alone, with a friend, with a lover.... no matter what, you'll leave smiling.
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