Ani DiFranco is coming to Cornell! Well, sort of. She's coming to the State Theatre of Ithaca in November, which has a lot of affiliation with Cornell, and that also means that the crew might be made of Cornell students...like me!
To be honest, I'm not actually one of her fans. There are a couple songs that I do like (you can blame Lost and Delirious for that one) but for the most part her voice is too irritating to listen to for long periods of time.
Actually, I don't really like most lesbian singers. It's not that I don't like them because they are gay (actually if that was the case, that would be pretty hilarious- all things considered). I just can't get over their style of music and the songs themselves. Yet, I know many gay girls who happen to love all gay singers, or at least a good number of them. Hell, I even have a couple friends whose entire iTunes consists of just gay singers.
Meanwhile, I'm much more inclined to the lesbian movie genre. I find that entire genre of movies fascinating (and be forewarned that a lot of my posts will probably be related to them :p). It has a pretty rich history that I've barely sunken my teeth into. Yet, most of my gay friends don't really care for them, and instead opt for the gay music.
A part of me does think it might just be cultural differences. A lot of the gay girls on campus are a bit crunchy/hippy/veggie type girls. I on the other hand love meat and cement. In that order :p. I've also come across articles and studies in Human Development about how hispanic households in the US also tend to incorporate television more in their lives in comparison to say hippy white people (and of course this is because of so many reasons that could just be a post on its own). Which could explain why I grew up watching a lot of tv and some of them don't even have tv's in their homes. As a hispanic kid in a hispanic household, I've just grown up appreciating the more visual side of things? Ahh, me and my negligible magic window.
It could just be that these girls just have more of an inclination to the outdoorsy folk music-y type, while I just like to stay in doors and watch some movies. Or I'm over-thinking this, but that I doubt (now thats just the HD side of me talking). There has to at least be some precursor to these differences!
Interestingly enough, I haven't really found a person whose into both without having a major preference towards one or the other. What gives yo?
(Also, as a side note...I just use lesbian and gay interchangeably throughout this entire post and blog)
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